Great post Jeff:
I've had a rough week, with non-stop tears of grief over my past and non-stop anxiety attacks for my future. With the help of a few good friends, ex-JW's who have been where I am and made it through to the other side, a little light is beginning to show through the doom and gloom.
You are absolutely right. We cannot mourn a past we never had. There is no alternate parallel universe somewhere where everything turned out perfectly for us and we had the life we think we should have had. If we are mourning the past, we are mourning a fantasy we had that never existed.
I'm 47 and in my 3rd year of college. Many times, I've been the oldest person in my classes. Sometimes I think, what am I doing here, trying to compete with these kids who are younger, faster, healthier and better looking than me. But you know, next year I'm going to be 48 regardless. I can be 48 with a degree or I can be 48 without a degree. Those are my only two choices. The rest is just psyching myself out with old WT mind conditioning bullshit. After I article for two years with an accountant, I'll be 50! But the way things are going these days, that is 20 years of working as a well paid professional under my belt before I have to retire.
If I tell myself I'm too old and quit, then I still have 22 years ahead of me, but doing what? Working a low paid clerical job? There is no magical "other world" out there. There is just this moment and the choices and opportunities before us, right now. Pick one and work it like there is no tomorrow, because there may not be.